Friday, July 2, 2010

so.. what can i do? :(

okay same like what HUIJUN (the lc po) said,
as usual, we were like sampatting again during ECA (the best time for sampats xD)
em um so i started the topic..
question :" how am i suppose to tell human B (one of my best friend laa)

her comes the STORY... :)

long long time ago.. i dont know when laaa
err.. probably this year...
i found that someone is really really important to me..
and i really really care about that someone
but there's nothing that i wanna do la just care la and continue to be good friends

and there's ONE DAY,
i realised something lo...
when i sms with him, then my friend (the B) will be like so so concern about what i'm chatting with him...
so i start to think that oh gui looo, she likes him?

then there's another day
night time
X and i were sitting together
then suddenly "szeyuen, i actually wanna tell you something laaa"
then i say "err okay i know what are u trying to say"
then she was shocked and of course she told me too laaaa she said "i like him"

soooooo, from that night,
the only thing that i said to myself is,
no matter what
i'm not gonna say out my feeling
i'll just give up (actually i never started to try) and let things fade away
i'll just support her to like him then :)

errrr.. anyway
as usual, i sms with him like almost everyday lo
but all talk crap one laaa
and u know laa
everyday woh... so it became a routine for me loo...
if he doesnt sms me i really will be sad one la
like really really sad and i will feel like so different bah without him
but i didnt wish things to be more than this la okay

so now, here comes the problem
there are six of us
u'll probably think why i wanna put the 1st human as human B
because i wanna be A! xD
okay whatever
so in class
i'm sitting with C
then i told her everything la
i told D too (my best friend staying beside my room, or maybe u can say my neighbour)
then i told E too (E stands for EGG :) )
then i told F too (room mate + best friend of A)

yup then until the end everyone knows and only A doesn't
the longer the days the more i feel bad
so two days ago, finally she spoke out to C that she thinks that she is a outsider because she knows nothing
i wanted to tell her bah
but HOW!!!
i feel so bad and i'm so sorry
i dont want our friendship to become weaker from day to day
and that's why we five talked about this today
about How Should We Tell Her????

there are two questions that i hope everyone who read this could help me up

1. What will you do when your best friend like someone as you do?
2. If your answer is "tell her", how should i tell her?

so people, help me please
i really dont know what can i do
i want six of us to be close forever and not like now!
i love my girls, B C D E and F.. xOxO

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